Media item

Opening of the exhibition 'The German book today'

Week number 42-09

Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented.


The representative of the Reich Commissioner Seyss-Inquart, dr. C.L.F. Völckers, opens an exhibition on modern German books at the museum Boijmans in Rotterdam. Present is a.o. member of the WA (the 'army' of the Dutch nazi party NSB) and mayor, ir. F.E. Müller. SHOTS: - Ext. museum Boijmans in the snow; - poster of the exhibition; - speech by Völckers; in the room are uniformed listeners; - several shots of books, a.o. displayed around a bust of Hitler; - visiters tour the exhibition; 00:31 Müller (right) en 00:40 (left with glasses)

During World War II the newsreels by film producers Polygoon and Profilti were controlled by the German occupiers. Polygoon and Profilti had to work together with the German film rental office Tobis. From January 1, 1941 the newsreels were therefore called Tobis News. Until the fall of 1944 newsreels under this name were produced alternately by Polygoon and Profilti.

Polygoon-Profilti (producer) / Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision (curator)
Publication date:
21 February 1942


Original format:
Petux Petuxovich Petuxov