Media item

Polygoon Dutch News

Polygoon title sequences

Several title and closing sequences of the Polygoon Dutch News and the Polygoon World News.


00:03 - 00:18
00:03 Title sequence with the text "Neerlands Nieuws Polygoon Profilti" (Dutch News Polygoon Profilti) (9"). Text is written in a circle. In the circle is a plaque with images of the Netherlands, a flame in a bowl and a lion. 00:11 Closing sequence with text "Neerlands Nieuws Polygoon Profilti" (Dutch News Polygoon Profilti) (6"). Plaque is replaced by the text "einde" (end). Note: Approximate date: from 1945.
00:47 - 01:06
00:47 Title sequence with the text "PPP Polygoon Profilti Productie presenteert" (PPP Polygoon Profilti Productions presents) (11"). Text "Neerlands Nieuws" (Dutch News) appears above and under other text. 01:00 Closing sequence with text "PPP Polygoon Profilti Productie einde" (PPP Polygoon Profilti Productions end) (6"). Text becomes smaller. Note: Approximate date: from 1947.
01:21 - 01:40
01:21 Title sequence with the text "Neerlands Nieuws Polygoon Profilti" (Dutch News Polygoon Profilti) (11"). Text appears on a drawing of the Netherlands with a camera lens. 01:40 Closing sequence with text "Neerlands Nieuws Polygoon Profilti" (Dutch News Polygoon Profilti) (8"). Text "einde" (end) appears on drawing of the Netherlands and becomes smaller. verschijnt op tekening van Nederland en wordt kleiner. Note: Approximate date: from 1948.
02:00 - 02:20
02:00 Title sequence with the text "Neerlands Nieuws Polygoon Profilti" (Dutch News Polygoon Profilti) (10"). Text appears on a drawing of the Netherlands with a camera lens. 02:11 Closing sequence with text "Neerlands Nieuws Polygoon Profilti" (Dutch News Polygoon Profilti) (9"). Text "einde" (end) appears on drawing of the Netherlands and becomes smaller (in colour). Note: Approximate date: from 1957 (title sequence) from 1963 (closing sequence).
02:26 - 02:53
02:26 Title sequence with the text "Neerlands Nieuws Polygoon Profilti" (Dutch News Polygoon Profilti) (11"). Text appears on a drawing of the Netherlands with a camera lens. 02:37 Closing sequence with text "Neerlands Nieuws Polygoon Profilti" (Dutch News Polygoon Profilti) (9"). Text "einde" (end) appears on drawing of the Netherlands and becomes smaller. 02:46 Closing sequence with text "Neerlands Nieuws Polygoon Profilti" (Dutch News Polygoon Profilti) (9"). Text "einde" (end) on drawing of the Netherlands becomes smaller. (colour). Note: Approximate date: from 1970.
03:14 - 03:39
03:14 Title sequence with text "Polygoon Journaal" (Polygoon News) (11"). Globe becomes larger. Drawing of the Netherlands. Collage with news footage. In the middle the text. 03:27 Closing sequence with the text "Einde Polygoon Journaal - Philip Bloemendal, Jan van Meerten, Theo Kok - technische afwerking: Cinecentrum Cineco Hilversum" (End of Polygoon News - Philip Bloemendal, Jan van Meerten, Theo Kok - technical finish: Cine Center Cineco Hilversum) (6"). Globe becomes smaller. 03:34 Closing sequence with text "Einde Polygoon Journaal - Philip Bloemendal, Jan van Meerten, Theo Kok - technische afwerking: Cinecentrum Cineco Hilversum" (End of Polygoon News - Philip Bloemendal, Jan van Meerten, Theo Kok - technical finish: Cine Center Cineco Hilversum) (6"). Globe becomes smaller (in colour). Note: Approximate date: from 1973.
03:58 - 04:14
03:58 Title sequence with texts "Polygoon Journaal" (Polygoon News) and "Vormgeving: Philip Bloemendal, Jan van Meerten, Theo Kok" (Made by: Philip Bloemendal, Jan van Meerten, Theo Kok) (10"). Text move into the frame quickly. 04:08 Closing sequence with the text "Einde Polygoon Journaal - technische afwerking Cinecentrum-Cineco Hilversum" (End of Polygoon News - technical finish Cine Center Cineco Hilversum) (6"). Note: Approximate date: from 1979.
04:22 - 04:34
04:22 Title sequence with text "Polygoon Journaal" (Polygoon News) (7"). Text is formed by moving lines. 04:30 Closing sequence with texts "Polygoon Journaal" (Polygoon News) and "Tot ziens" (Goodbye) (4"). Texts are formed by moving lines. Note: Approximate date: from 1980.
04:43 - 05:02
04:43 Title sequence with text "Polygoon Journaal" (Polygoon News) (6"). Text is formed by moving lines. 04:51 Closing sequence with texts "Polygoon Journaal" (Polygoon News) and "Tot ziens" (Goodbye) (4"). Texts are formed by moving lines. 04:58 Closing sequence with texts "Polygoon Journaal" (Polygoon News) and "Tot ziens" (Goodbye) (5"). Texts are formed by moving lines (in multiple colours). Note: Approximate date: from 1981 (one colour), from 1983 (multiple colours).
05:23 - 05:36
05:23 Title sequence with text "Polygoons Wereldnieuws" (Polygoon World News) (9"). Text appears with Polygoon logo with the owl and moving stars in the background. 05:31 Closing sequence with texts "einde" (end) and "Polygoons Wereldnieuws" (Polygoon World News) (6"). Texts appear with Polygoon logo with the owl and moving stars in the background. Note: Approximate date: from 1945.
05:49 - 06:02
05:49 Title sequence with text "Polygoons Wereldnieuws" (Polygoon World News) (8"). Text appears with Polygoon logo with the owl and moving stars in the background. 05:57 Closing sequence with texts "einde" (end) (5"). Text appears on a circle with a globe and the text "Wereldnieuws" (World News) in it. Note: Approximate date: from 1963.
06:14 - 06:34
Title sequence Polygoon Dutch News. Hand turns a radio knob. Turning gramophone brass horn. Polygoon logo with owl and the text "Polygoon". Voice: "Hello, hello. Here is the Dutch News by Polygoon Haarlem!". Note: Approximate date: from 1931.

Polygoon-Profilti (producer) / Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision (curator)
Publication date:
16 March 2011


Original format:
Petux Petuxovich Petuxov