Media item

VideoVortex #3 8.Martin Koplin

‘Participative and interactive : mobile media as eCulture’


Mobile media are a part of todays eCulture: they are potentially interactive and can support to create citizens participation in themes and questions of our time. Used in the context of culture, it concerns an intiative, with which the formation of social, intercultural and cultural competence and identity meets new "cultural techniques" that more and more came from the media-use of children and young people: mobile and online, creatively, participative and playfully. It can orginate a cultural dialogue between different groups. Collaborative created media, which can be commented, evaluated and rated by their useres, support the development of an enhanced participation in cultural knowledge processes, live-long-learning environmemts, and art production.


The generation of different ITC-based participation methods at the places of local history and art exhibition, means exchange of experts, medialization of museums and exchange of the museums with citizens as well as the communication between different parts of the population. Visitor participation bases on the experience, that people today enjoy more to take active part in the information processes that surround them, then to consume only passively. The information transfer can get more into a common activity between offerers and users in active communities. The active communities generate information together, improve, supplement and correct them. Culture consumers become designers and will better understand and identify themselves with the idea behind it, which is a core goal cultural work.


Martin Koplin will refer to samples of the actual work of the M2C Institute in the field of mobile cross-border storytelling in public space and participation in the context of museums.


Martin Koplin - Media Artist and Researcher


Martin is Director of the M2C Institute for Applied Media Sciences at the University of Applied Sciences in Bremen, Germany, that was founded in 2007 after the eCulture Factory of the Fraunhofer Institute in Bremen was closed. He worked as media artist for over 14 years and as a scientific researcher in the field of digital media and eCulture. Actually he works on mobile media research and development projects. He studied Media Communication, Cultural Studies, European Labour Sciences and Fine Arts in Bremen, has two M.A.s and is actually preparing his PhD in Computer Sciences "The Actual-Visual / The Virtual-Concrete / The Perfomative-Spacual".


Martin curates media-art events and is one of the founder of SHARE.bremen. He is lecturer for media sciences, information and communication technology, and digital media communication.

Before, he was working as scientific coordinator and researcher in the eCulture Factory of the Fraunhofer Institute IAIS, in the research group mobile2culture, in the Digital Media Program Bremen and in the compArt - Center of Excellence for Digital Arts at the University of Bremen.


Instituut voor Netwerk Cultuur
Publication date:
17 November 2010


Institute of Network Cultures
Bilkent University Department of Communication and Design
Original format:
Instituut voor Netwerkcultuur