Media item

Zuiderzee Works

Week number: 24-19

Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented.


Work for the Zuiderzee Works in Wieringen. Several shots of labour: - pushing and emptying wheelbarrows 24"; - dyke workers: several shots of stone layers 33"; - several shots of raising the land with sand 41"; sand sucker 4"; - aerial shot of the dyke 21"; -pan 23" across excavation site; - two large wooden buildings, rails and basalt blocks in the foreground 7"; - plaiting of bundles of twigs 8"; - hitting of poles 8"; - dyke workers fill holes with straw 16"; - lifting of basalt block by using a pulley 13"; - slope (basalt blocks) with supervisors and dyke workers 12"; - horse pulls dumpers with basalt blocks 10"; - steam dragline excavators, pipelines and dumpers; -pan 15": overgrowth, basalt block, water, working barges; - sailing shot 34" from ship that enters (work)harbour; - pan 14" harbour with flat-bottomed boats and (briefly) dredge; - pan 20" of steam tug boat to the quay with so-called "cleats"; -pan 17" via flat-bottomed boats in the harbour to the dyke, in the background a keel and banks with basalt blocks; - nice, high shot 24" houses, probably Wieringen.

Polygoon-Profilti (producer) / Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision (curator)
Publication date:
1 July 1924


Original format:
Petux Petuxovich Petuxov