Media item

St. Rosa celebrations

Week number 25-29

Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented.


The St. Rosa celebrations in Sittard: -procession trhough the steets of Sittard with a float, the maiden choir (girls in long robes and with a staff ending in flower plumes) a boy -dressed as a shepherd's boy- with a sheep, a banner (unreadable); -high shot of the crowd 7" -spectators, clergymen sitting in the front row 6" -at the Market:-overall shot spectators, 9"; -medium shot 7" open-air performance: knight on a horse, Spanish noblemen, Roman soldier 7"; -stage with steps, on stage several people, a.o. clergymen 4", the stage stands next to the Paters church, of which a small part is visible; -nobleman gives a speech on stage 4"; -medium shot of one of the stage steps with girls with flower arches on it 3"; -medium shot of dressed up children; -shepherd's boy with sheep; -group of miners with lamps and pickaxes, in oilskins, wearing sou-westers 5". Note : Original title was: "ST. ROZA CELEBRATIONS". SOURCE: Huub Mans, Limburg expert committed to the NOS program "Van Gewest tot Gewest".

Polygoon-Profilti (producer) / Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision (curator)
Publication date:
12 September 1925


Original format:
Petux Petuxovich Petuxov