Media item

Visit to the laboratory of the Institute for Food

Week number 24-19

Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented.


The laboratory of the NIVV, the Nederlands Instituut voor Volksvoeding (Dutch Institute for Food), at the Mauritskade 57, in Amsterdam. -from 00.02 close up prof. Van Leersum, head of the NIVV, lights a pipe 14"; -women, probably analysts, some with apron, exit a wooden building; some pick crops from the garden or check them 14"; woman in apron with scale reading "quick scale" 9"; -several shots of animals used for animal testing: rats: a.o. in a cage, on a scale, eating, 48"; guinea pigs: a.o. fed by a boy in a sailor suit 10"; pigeons: suffering from the disease beriberi (vitamin B shortage) and cured after giving an extract 29"; -animal test: rabbit with sphygmometer 27"; -test subject attached to equipment that measures metabolism 10", close up registration 13". Note: With the foundation of the Dutch Institute for Food (in the beginning of the 1920's), prof. dr. E.C. van Leersum (Utrecht 1862 - Leersum 1938) began doing scientific food research. Van Leersum made plans for a workshop/laboratory of the Institute. After problems, that even resulted in Van Leersum having to bring his test animals to his own home in Amsterdam, he received room in the laboratory for Hygiene of the Amsterdam University in 1929, housed in the B.C.P. Jansen Institute at the J.D. Meijer square in Amsterdam. The main work of Van Leersum is his research on vitamins and his research on the chemical structure of food. SOURCE: -obtained information by telephone at the Voedingsraad in The Hague; -prof. dr. R. Luyken from Driebergen, who once worked at the NIVV.

Polygoon-Profilti (producer) / Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision (curator)
Publication date:
9 July 1924


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