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Searched with 'eye'

Spiegel van Nederland No. 17
Spiegel van Nederland No. 17
A Dutch news film with sound, including items about the 150-year-old Moppes & Son diamond grindery, and about the Netherlands vs. (07:59) 01 ม.ค. 1959
All dolled up
All dolled up
A romantic comedy about a shop assistant who manages to prevent the robbery of a rich woman, and who then becomes wealthy herself, although she remains a ni... (37:38) 31 ธ.ค. 1920
End of the game, The
End of the game, The
A silent Western about a love story that takes place during the gold rush. (54:18) 31 ธ.ค. 1918
A Western action film about two men who escape from prison to take revenge on the person who betrayed them. (10:41) 31 ธ.ค. 1912
Heart Snatcher, The
Heart Snatcher, The
A farce in which the poor Lamo has to flee after he tries to rob a rich cinema operator. (19:50) 31 ธ.ค. 1919
Egyptenaar, De
Egyptenaar, De
A comic one-act film in which a bellhop finds a stolen diamond and gets into an argument with the Egyptian thief. (14:35) 31 ธ.ค. 1912
Betty and the bucaneers
Betty and the bucaneers
Romantic adventure film in which Betty, who dreams about pirates, and her father, a gullible professor, are tricked by a bunch of real pirates. (01:05:10) 01 ม.ค. 1917
Love, Speed and Thrills
Love, Speed and Thrills
A chase film in which a man (named Walrus) kidnaps the wife of his benefactor (Ambrose); a wild chase then ensues. (14:12) 01 ม.ค. 1915
Massaal Graal spreekkoor
Massaal Graal spreekkoor
Weeknummer 31-06Bioscoopjournaals waarin Nederlandse onderwerpen van een bepaalde week worden gepresenteerd. (01:29) 29 มี.ค. 1931
Master Mystery, The
Master Mystery, The
Episode of a serial in fifteen episodes with magician and escape artist Houdini in the lead. (09:39) 01 ม.ค. 1918

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Soundtrack door Martin de Ruiter
Soundtrack door Martin de Ruiter
Dit is de soundtrack die componist Martin de Ruiter maakte speciaal voor de Celluloid Remix van Victor Ponten ('Hoe de wereld veranderde') (02:28) 31 ม.ค. 2012