
Below you will find the media items sorted by date of upload.

De evenwichtige strijd tussen walvis en mens. (02:03) 23 Apr 2012
I was looking for an end to this
I was looking for an end to this
I was looking for an end to this, for some kind of closure Time moved so rapidly, i had no hope for keeping track of it I thought of my friends who had died... (02:59) 23 Apr 2012
Grauwe gans met eieren en jongen
Grauwe gans met eieren en jongen
Clip gemaakt in de Nederlandse natuur uit de collectie van Stichting Natuurbeelden ( (06:37) 24 Apr 2012
celluloid remix tamar1
celluloid remix tamar1
Children smiles into the century’s (00:54) 24 Apr 2012
Dance battle
Dance battle
Is it the ultimate dance battle, or not?   (01:14) 24 Apr 2012
Training to be mellow.. (00:34) 24 Apr 2012
Drift gaat over de haast en onrust in ons dagelijks leven.  (02:14) 24 Apr 2012
Call me darling / Bel me darling
Call me darling / Bel me darling
"Call me darling" is a yearning for the loved one who may return to stay, return to go away, or never return at all. The music is the English version of a 1... (01:31) 24 Apr 2012
Beeld(end) vervreemden (01:28) 24 Apr 2012
Zonnige perioden
Zonnige perioden
Fijn om verliefd te zijn (01:22) 24 Apr 2012

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