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Iedere soldaat zwemmer
Iedere soldaat zwemmer
Weeknummer 40-07Bioscoopjournaals waarin Nederlandse onderwerpen van een bepaalde week worden gepresenteerd. (01:22) 14 лют 1940
Icarusblauwtje zit te zonnen
Icarusblauwtje zit te zonnen
Clip gemaakt in de Nederlandse natuur uit de collectie van Stichting Natuurbeelden ( (04:36) 22 жнв 2013
Icarusblauwtje zit in ochtendzon
Icarusblauwtje zit in ochtendzon
Clip gemaakt in de natuur uit de collectie van Stichting Natuurbeelden ( (01:15) 01 стд 2012
Icarusblauwtje warmt zich op
Icarusblauwtje warmt zich op
Clip gemaakt in de natuur uit de collectie van Stichting Natuurbeelden ( (01:37) 01 стд 2012
IAS-director and Leon Levy professor Robbert Dijkgraaf inter...
IAS-director and Leon Levy professor Robbert Dijkgraaf interviews networks expert Jennifer Chayes on how the world of technology will shape our future
An influential computer scientist reflecting on how networks and the world of technology will impact our future lives. (01:25:02) 19 стд 2017
IAS-director and Leon Levy professor Robbert Dijkgraaf inter...
IAS-director and Leon Levy professor Robbert Dijkgraaf interviews Martin Rees on the future of man in the cosmos
UK's Astronomer Royal reflects on the future of humanity in the cosmos (01:04:57) 27 ліс 2016
IAS-director and Leon Levy professor Robbert Dijkgraaf inter...
IAS-director and Leon Levy professor Robbert Dijkgraaf interviews George Whitesides on the world of chemistry shaping our future
Chemist and nanoscientist George Whitesides on the impact science and technology will have on the future of human kind (01:08:04) 20 стд 2017
I.D. Meyer's kinderballet
I.D. Meyer's kinderballet
Weekjournaal van Polygoon Hollands Nieuws van week 18 uit 1933. (01:37) 24 крс 1933
I was looking for an end to this
I was looking for an end to this
I was looking for an end to this, for some kind of closure Time moved so rapidly, i had no hope for keeping track of it I thought of my friends who had died... (02:59) 23 крс 2012
I am Gurgaon: the new city in India
I am Gurgaon: the new city in India
Gurgaon is a satellite city outside of New Delhi. Its shiny facades symbolize India's unparalleled economic growth. Gurgaon was built at the turn of this ce... (49:03) 11 чрв 2011

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